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Sunday, March 27, 2011

PEMKAR Series Race 2011


As per last year, PEMKAR will be organizing a series race for EP Touring and Drift car for year 2011 season. There will be 6 rounds of races to be held throughout this year.


This race is open to all racers. (locals or non-locals, members or non-members)


All participants will be given points after every races (according to their final result). Max of 30 points will be given to the round’s champion of every class and decrement of -1 point to the next positions ie: Champion 30 points, 1st runner up 29 points and so on.

Extra 2 points will be given to the class Top qualifier (TQ).

Best 4 of 6 rounds of your points are counted to determine your overall position in this series race.


There are 4 classes/categories of race offered.

1) JuStock Zero Timing (sponsored by Guan Hock Lee)

2) LRP Pro-Stock 10.5t (sponsored by C.H Hobbies)

3) Open Modified

4) Drift Touring (sponsored by Kawan Ria Toys )


Class : JuStock Zero Timing (sponsored by Guan Hock Lee)

- ESC : Controlled (Hobbywing JuStock)*
- Motor: Controlled (Hobbywing 11.5t motor)*
- Batt : Any 2 cells LiPo 7.4 or 6 cells NiMH/NiCD can be used
- Car : Any EP touring car with 4WD system
- Tyres: Open
- Body: Open (Touring or GT) For TC body: Rear wing height MUST be cut no higher that the lower line. The Rear wing chord MUST also be cut at the inner lines.
-Weight : Minimum 1400g
-Prizes : Rounds races (1-6) – All ‘A’ Main and TQ will get medals
Champion A Main ( BnD$30 Voucher sponsored by Guan Hock Lee)
2nd place A Main (BnD$20 Voucher sponsored by Guan Hock Lee)
3rd place A Main (BnD$10 Voucher sponsored by Guan Hock Lee)

‘B’ Main only Top 3 will get medals

Grand Champion will get Trophy and 1 set of radio (Sanwa MT4 or Futaba 4PL) sponsored by Guan Hock Lee.

Vouchers can be redeem only at Guan Hock Lee.

* The Hobbywing JuStock package MUST be bought at GUAN HOCK LEE only. Price BND$150. Keep the receipt and show it to the race officials during race days.

Class : LRP Pro-Stock 10.5t (sponsored by C.H.Hobbies)

- ESC : Open
- Motor: Controlled (LRP 10.5T)**
- Batt : Any 2 cells LiPo 7.4 or 6 cells NiMH/NiCD can be used
- Car : Any EP touring car with 4WD system
- Tyres: Open
- Body: 190mm Touring type only. Rear wing height MUST be cut no higher that the lower line. The Rear wing chord MUST also be cut at the inner lines.
-Weight : Minimum 1400g
-Prizes : Rounds races (1-6) - TQ and 'A' Main finalists will get medals.
Champion A Main ( BnD$30 Voucher sponsored by C.H.Hobbies)
2nd place A Main (BnD$20 Voucher sponsored by C.H.Hobbies)
3rd place A Main (BnD$10 Voucher sponsored by C.H.Hobbies)

‘B’ Main only Top 3 will get medals

Grand Champion will get a Trophy and 1 prize TBC (sponsored by C.H.Hobbies)

Vouchers can be redeem only at C.H.Hobbies.

** LRP 10.5t Motor MUST be bought at C.H.Hobbies. Price BND$138. It will be engraved by C.H.Hobbies and keep the receipt and show it to the race officials during race days. The motors will be available from the 30th March, anyone who has bought from C.H.Hobbies earlier can send your motor in for engraving.

Class : Open Modified

- ESC : Open
- Motor: Open
- Batt : Any 2 cells LiPo 7.4 or 6 cells NiMH/NiCD can be used
- Car : Any EP touring car with 4WD system
- Tyres: Open
- Body: 190mm Touring type only. Rear wing height MUST be cut no higher that the lower line. The Rear wing chord MUST also be cut at the inner lines.
-Weight : Minimum 1400g
-Prizes : Rounds races (1-6)
TQ and A Main finalists will get medals.
'B' Main only Top 3 will get medals.

Grand Champion will get Trophy.

Class : Drift Touring (sponsored by Kawan Ria Toys)

- ESC : Open
- Motor: Open
- Batt : Any 2 cells LiPo 7.4 or 6 cells NiMH/NiCD can be used
- Car : Any Drift EP chassis
- Tyres: Controlled (Autodrift)***
- Body: Realistic Drift bodies (NO TC bodies allowed)
- Weight : Maximum 1600g (ie:Not more than 1600g)
- Prizes : Rounds races (1-6) - TQ and 'A' Main finalists will get medals.
Champion 'A' Main (30% Discount voucher sponsored by Kawan Ria)
2nd Place 'A' Main (20% Discount voucher sponsored by Kawan Ria)
3rd Place 'A' Main (10% Discount voucher sponsored by Kawan Ria

'B' Main only Top 3 will get medals.

Grand Champion will a get Trophy and 1 set of ABC M-Chassis Car Kit (sponsored by Kawan Ria)

Discount Vouchers can only be redeem at Kawan Ria within 2 weeks after the race and can be used on anything EXCEPT car kits.

*** AutoDrift Tyres MUST be bought at Kawan Ria. You will need to get new sets of tyres for every 2 series race. ie: 1st set for series 1 and 2. 2nd new set for series 3 and 4 and so on. Price BND$22 per set. Keep the receipt and show it to the race officials during race days.


Qualifying rounds: Minimum 1 round, Maximum 3 rounds ie: If time permits we will do 3 qualifying rounds. Best of 1 will dictates your position in the finals.

Final rounds:
'A' Main - Minimum 1 round, Maximum 3 rounds. If Time permits we will do 3 rounds. In 3 rounds finals, BEST of 2 will dictates your final standing. In 2 rounds finals, BEST of 1 will dictates your final standing.

'B' Main - Minimum 1 round, Maximum 2 rounds. If Time permits we will do 2 rounds. BEST of 1 dictates your final standing.

In case its raining: 1st we will wait for the rain to stop If its not going to stop then Final standing will be taken from the qualifying round, providing the round is completed in each classes. If its not then the race will be postpone to a later date.


For PEMKAR members : BND$15 each class
For NON-PEMKAR members : BND$25 each class
LATE FEE Payment (for LOCALS only) : Extra BND$5 each class

Entrance Fee are NOT REFUNDABLE

All entry fee payment must be made to:
Brunei Muara - Ah Peng (Race Operator) at Guan Hock Lee
Tutong - Mirai
KB - Hazmi

Date for last day of payment will be announce on a separate post when the series start.


- Depends on the opportunity, 1 or 2 of the race rounds will be held outside Stadium Track. ie: Indoor carpet or race in Tutong or KB.

- The final grand prize presentation will be held at the later date and usually will be organised together with our PEMKAR annual dinner at the end of the year.

- You need to complete 4 rounds in order to get your final listing/standing and receive prizes (trophy or consolation prizes) at the Final Prize Presentation nite.

Thank you very much for your support and interest in joining this series race.

Note: The organiser (PEMKAR) has the right to:
-change the R&R by announcement or short notice
-disqualified any racer that do not meet the R&R stated above
Any suggestions and complaints, pls do contact us directly at and pls include your real personal details. Members are given priority in terms of accepting any suggestions or complaints.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

9th TITC Thailand