Sunday, March 7, 2010
would like to say many2 thanks to all yg involved dlm our 1st round of our 2010 series
..would like to say
berbanyak sorry minta maaf minta ampun lau ada kesilapan,terkasar bahasa,nda terefund usin kmu mnatau sal lambat n yg sewaktu dgn nya la
sal hari panas jua,yatah semua pun panas2 jadi nya
...i hope our next series will be a blast n dpt liat kmu bebaris teratur mcm td
hehe paling banyak ku minta maaf sal kelambatan yang terjadi hehehe thanks jua to felix yang banyak membantu before the series and thanks to
bob green
jua yang sanggup jadi penagih usin
arh peserta2 yang ada hehehe good job geng (bleh dh tukar jawatan ni
congrats to all winners battling their way to the final especially the new comer Rin,a very very good run!!!two thumbs up hehe yg kurang berjaya dpt mencuba lagi pada pusingan yang seterusnya..
so,how's the format tadi?any comments?? hehe ingati2 kawan2 kmu yg alum membg tyr spaya dapat bg aku k *suk aku kn melelong rim haha*
will upload some pix taken soon together with the result and points earn by the drivers in top 16
thanks for your support and see you guys again in the next round!!!
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